In part one of our transgender series, Dr. Johanna Olson-Kennedy discusses the facts, complexities, and hardships for individuals with gender dysphoria.
Our guest, Dr. John West discusses all aspects of breast cancer awareness, treatment, and prevention.
Dr. Anita Nelson, a professor emerita at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, the former medical director of the women’s healthcare program at Harbor-UCLA medical center, and esteemed author of Contraceptive Technology, reassures us that medical researchers are actively pursing ways to advance and improve contraceptive technology.
As a renowned physician of hematology and oncology in both pediatrics and adults, Dr. Leonard Sender shares his expertise on leukemia and other cancers.
Frank Sweeny and Dr. Jeffrey Johnsrud, a board certified general surgeon, break down the metabolic, physiological, and societal/cultural aspects of obesity.