Today we discuss two hot topics in plastic surgery: the “Brazilian butt lift” procedure and why it is the most dangerous plastic surgery, and the undisputed link between breast implants and a rare type of T-Cell lymphoma. Tune in to hear my guest, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Ivan Turpin, put these issues in context to tell us who is at risk, how big the risk is, and what to do if you’re at risk.
We believe these numbers will continue to rise as more women and surgeons are educated. We invite any doctors to join our clinician/Patient discussion group on Facebook as we feel patient perspective is crucial.
It’s also important to note that 30-50ml of seroma fluid is optimal or you can get a false negative. We have seen this several times. We have also seen women test negative in fluid and positive in capsule due to inadequate specimen.
The risk is NOT 1 in a million. In Australia and the Netherlands, the incidence is 1:1,000-1:7,000. In the US, it’s 1:1,000-1:30,000.
Telling these women that this is a lymphoproliferative disorder is a slap in the face when they’ve had to undergo chemo, radiation, anti cd30 therapy, or stem cell transplant to cure them.
Patients are not being adequately informed and they are not being adequately tested. This is in part due to surgeons who want to boast how “rare” and “easily treatable” it is. I’ve even seen breast cancer forums say that their surgeons have decided to start using textured implants again because they’ve been told betadine irrigation will eradicate this disease. This theory has not been proven and telling patients that is a huge disservice.
One of the manufacturers is even offering a $7,500 warranty to patients who develop this. What a joke. My explant surgery was $7,500 without cancer. This doesn’t even touch the diagnosis, treatment, and follow up. Diagnosed women are followed 1-2 years per NCCN guidelines.
No, there are no recalls. Informed consent did not include information on BIA-ALCL prior to 2014-2015.
Very interesting about the finger silicone joints. Thank you for this discussion.
Breast Implant Victim Advocacy